Sunday 4 August 2013

2013 Mountain Climb to Little O'Malley Peak...Anchorage, Alaska

Peggy, Kesha & Masha at the trail start...3 hours to go!

Lunch on the way up to the summit!

Mick and Kesha nearing the summit!

Kesha & Masha sitting on the summit overlooking Anchorage, Alaska.

The girls enjoying a summer snow field at the summit of Little O'Malley.

Peggy celebrating the summit!

View of Mr. Little O'Malley...looking close you can see the trail up the middle turing to the left ridge to the top.

Kesha celebrating reaching the summit with King Crab!

Masha and Peggy celebrating reaching the summit with King Crab!

Summer 2013 Sunsets...Anchorage, Alaska

Summer 2013 Visit to Anchorage, Alaska

Kesha & Masha on the bike trail in Anchorage riding around Westchester Lagoon.

Kesha & Masha's favorite swing set for the summer of 2013!

Masha climbing a tree near the Lagoon.

Kesha sitting in a tree near the Lagoon.

Mt. McKinley at sunset from Anchorage.

Kesha & Masha doing their summer reading in Anchorage.

Masha at the Masha Russian Store.

Family photo walking in downtown Anchorage.

View of the neighborhood in Anchorage, Alaska...will be ice skating here this winter.

Buying a Bleeding Heart hanging basket with Grandma to hang at the condominium.

Sunset from condominium in Anchorage.

Grandpa, Grandma and Peggy at the local market down the street.

July 2013 Visit to Kenai, Alaska

Kesha, Masha & Jessica taking a ride on the 4-wheeler around the yard.

Peggy helping our close friend Jim with fly swatting around the salmon for smoking.

A beautiful tray of red salmon "squaw candy" ready for the smoker.

Bea, Peggy, Kesha, Jessica and Masha in front of the smoker.

The girls out walking the last by the bluff...future home of cabin to enjoy rustic Alaska.

Midnight sun in Valdez, taken at midnight.

July 2013 Ferry Trip from Valdez, Alaska to Whittier, Alaska

Peggy, Kesha & Masha enjoying the windy deck on the ferry to Whittier.

Some small icebergs in the straights on the way to Whittier.

A mountain touching the waterway on the way to Whittier

Masha enjoying the trip!

Kesha enjoying the trip!

Some more mountain views!

2013 Valdez Halibut Fishing Trip

Unusually calm sees just outside Valdez Bay approximately 90 nautical miles out to sea.

Colleague Dale hauling in the largest halibut estimated at 90 to 95 pounds.

A view out the back while motoring back to Valdez and the end of the afternoon.

Motoring into Valdez Harbor at the end of the fishing trip.

The girls with the 600 pounds of halibut caught during they day...a successful fishing trip that will probably become a bi-annual event going forward.

2013 Drive to Valdez, Alaska

Just outside of Palmer, Alaska on our drive to Valdez, Alaska.

Another view along the Glenn Highway to Valdez.

Another view along the Glenn Highway to Valdez.

Waterfalls along the roadside just outside of Valdez on Thompson Pass.

4th of July, 2013..Seward, Alaska

Traditional photo at Summit Lake, Alaska on the way to Seward for the 4th of July, 2013.

Kesha, Masha & Jessica enjoying the fire on the beach in Seward, Alaska.

Peggy watching the Mt Marathon Race with Jessica, Masha and Kesha.

The girls petting an Alaska husky on Main Street, Seward, Alaska.

Mt. Marathon where the 4th of July race is run each year to the top and back down to town...Mick ran the race in 1988.